The disease was once prevalent In many parts of the country called Firang. Firang (Syphilis) diseased people than visiting other countries or circulating for any reason.
The disease spread to locals in other countries as these visitors engaged in physical contact with locals and became infected.
Thus the disease spread from Firang country was known as Firang. The disease is somewhat associated with AIDS.
Most often the disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse between men and women. Therefore, the disease spread to other countries because firangis who infected this disease are touched peoples of other countries. so call this disease to Aagantuka.
Because after suffering from this disease, the Dosha (Vata-Pitta-Kapha) happens related with this disease. Therefore, the best medico should recognize the symptom of the dosha and treat it.
Types of Firangs (Syphilis)
Firang disease occurs in three types.
1 External Firang disease
2 Internal Firang disease
3 Aliteral Firang disease
External Firang disease: (Syphilis)
External Syphilis (Firang) is furuncle-like and has a painful effect. The disease develops as an ulcer. This type of external Firang disease is Believed to a curable by a medico.
Internal Firang disease
Internal Firang occurs in the joints as well as swelling. The disease causes pain like rheumatism. This type of internal Firang (Syphilis) is considered difficult.
Aliteral Firang disease (both internal and external)
Aliteral Firang disease has symptoms of both frontal external Firang and internal Firang. The disease is considered incurable.
Nuisances of the Firang
Patients lose their body strength and Force so their body begins to weaken. When the gastrointestinal tract is very slow, food is not digested and anorexia occurs.
The disease is so severe that it can damage even the bones. As the bones are absorbed, the patient’s body becomes crooked.
The curable or none, of Firang (Syphilis)
Which the disease happens new to any person and not have any nuisance, those the disease of Firang is curable.
Internal Firang is painful and considered to be difficult as it can be eliminated with a lot of effort.
The disease (both internal and external) is incurable to a weak person with all the symptoms and nuisance of Aliteral Firang, and whose pain is pervasive in all over the body.
Treatment of Firang disease (Syphilis)
Firang disease must eradicated from calomel.
Calomel eating ritual
Add water to the wheat flour and knead it and make a small puri. Put four Rati (0.49 gram) calomel in the middle of this puri and make round and close the puri.
Make a wheat puri pill with Rasakpur and begrime it in clove powder.
Swallow the pill with water in such a way that it does not touch the teeth, and then chewing too much the betel leaf to swallow.
If touched calomel in the mouth causes swelling in the mouth and also damages the teeth. Therefore, calomel should be consumed with caution.
Calomel eater should not consume all kinds of vegetables, salty, sour, etc. Do not work and do not go out in the sun. Travel should not be done and sex should be avoided.
Saptashali Vati
Take 3 grams of pure mercury, 3 grams of acacia catechu, 6 grams of pellitory, and 7.75 gram of honey. Levigate all of the herbs together
Make 7 (seven) A similar pills, after herbs are well levigated. This pill is called Saptashali Vati.
Regular intake of one pill with water once in the morning cures Firang (Syphilis) disease.
The patient taking Saptashali Vati should not eat salty and sour substances.
Take pure mercury, pure sulfur, and rice 1 – 1 tola and make kajjali (Kajjali = knead too much). Make seven identical tablets out of it and smoke it for seven days to get rid of the disease.
Pure mercury
Take pure mercury one quarter tola in weight and rub in the palm of the hand with a distillate of sida cordifolia who have a yellow flower. Bake both hands on the fire after the mercury disappears by rubbing the palms.
Sida cordifolia
Thus, by doing this experiment for seven days and avoid the intake of sour and salty substances, the firang disease is eradicated.
Churna (powder)
Terminalia Chebula
First, take 80 grams of neem leaf powder. Take 10 gms of Terminalia Chebula powder and 10 gms of amla powder and 5 gms of turmeric powder and mix well.
Regular consumption of 5 grams of powder with water cures the disease.
Churna (powder)
Smilax ovalifolia
Licking one quarter tola in weight (a teaspoon) of Smilax ovalifolia powder in honey destroys the disease. During to consume this herb avoid salt.
If salt is required, take rock salt as rock salt is delicious and also very beneficial.
Avleha (Confection)
Take 1 – 1 tola each of pure mercury, pure sulfur, and Acacia catechu and make kajjali (knead well by Pestle into mortar).
Ceylon ironwood
Caraway Seeds
carom seed
Red sander
Pepper long
Bamboo silica
Turmeric, Ceylon ironwood, small cardamom, big cardamom, cumin, Caraway Seeds, carom seed, white sandalwood, Red sander chips, pepper long, Bamboo Silica, Spikenard, and bayLeaves. Take every these herb weight in half tola each and make powder. Add this herbal powder into prepared kajjali.
Knead the prepared mixture well in 8 (eight) tola ghee. And fill this herb in a good clean container.
Consume half a tola of this herb. Regular consumption of it eliminates ulcers certainly that happened in firang (Syphilis) disease.
If there is a chronic and different type of ulcer for a long time, it also disappears with the use of this herb. This herb does not cause swelling in the mouth.
Use this herb regularly for 21 (twenty-one) days. And to give up salt altogether during these days.
Warts of the penis
In men, the disease affects and occur on the penis. On the penis, small shoots are produced more than one which is on each other.
Occurs the shoots (burgeon) on the penis, joints, or top to the penis, like to a bouquet of chickens, Feathery and soft. It is called warts of the penis (Lingarsha).
If there is a lot of pain in this wart and it is caused by Tridosha, then the Lingarsha are incurable.
Treatment for warts
Surgically removal of warts on the penis and by burning it with alkali and then treating similar to the ulcer, paste, powder, etc.
Churna (powder)
Natron salt
Copper sulphate
Asphaltum mineral pitch
Berberis aristata
Arsenic sulfide
Natron salt, copper sulphate, Shilajit (Asphaltum mineral pitch), Raswanti (Berberis aristata), antimony, arsenic sulfide, and Orpiment are all the herbs taken in equal parts and made into powder. Consumption of this powder eliminates warts (lingarsha).
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
Applying aloe Vera eliminates (warts of the penis) lingarsha.
Solanum Indicum
Bringing the roots of the Solanum Indicum and mash with the urine of the ox, then applying it on warts of the penis are immediately removed.