A abscess develops upper area up to two fingers on the anus. After the abscess erupts, it becomes a sore (wound) on the part. This is called fistula. There are five types of fistula.
1 Vataj fistula (Shatpotak fistula)
2 Pittaj fistula (ushtragriv fistula)
3 Cough fistula (paristravi fistula)
4 Sannipataj fistula (Shambukavart fistula)
5 Agantuj fistula (unmargi fistula)
1 Vataj fistula (Shatpotak fistula)
Consumption of unsweetened, unhealthy, raw, stale, dry, dry foods contaminates the vata and makes it extremely irritated, and produces abscess in the rectal region. Over time, this can lead to severe pain and discomfort. Its eruption releases pus from it. And it becomes sore instead. Neglecting the disease can lead to many small sores. Out of which urine, feces, and semen are secreted. It is called vataj fistula (Shatpotak fistula).
2 Pittaj fistula (ushtragriv fistula)
Pitta (bile) causes a fistula in the rectum that produces a red, immediately mature, hot, and foul-smelling discharge. The fistula is shaped like a camel’s neck. Hence it is called ushtragriv fistula.
3 Cough fistula (paristravi fistula)
This type of fistula has itching. The discharge from it is very dense. The fistula is hard, slow painful, and white in color.
4 Sannipataj fistula (Shambukavart fistula)
This type of fistula has many ulcers that cause produce many types of pain. Many types of secretions are seen from this ulcer. It has the shape of a cow’s udder as well as an eyebrow raised in a river. This is called Sannipataj fistula (Shambukavarta fistula or Nadivarna).
5 Agantuj fistula (unmargi fistula)
Neglecting the fistula produced in the rectal region over time can take a terrible form and produce worms. These worms make many ways to rip the sore. Which results in many other ulcers. It is called Agantuj Fistula (Unmargi Fistula).
Fistulas of all kinds are terrible and difficult. But tridosha and unmargi fistula are generally considered incurable. Because the vata, feces, urine, worms, and semen coming out from the fistula destroys the patient with fistula.
Western opinion
The sore of the Vein that occurs in the rectal region is called the fistula. (Fistula in ano, or- Ano rectal fistulae and sinuses). Originally it originated from blains. Three types are shown.
1 Complete rectal fistula:
This type is related to the inside of the anus and the mouth of the ulcer so that air and feces are constantly excreted from the ulcer.
2 External recta sinus or blind external fistula:
In this type of fistula, there is no internal connection between the anus and the ulcer so there is no discharge of feces, etc. from it.
3 Internal rectal sinus or blind internal fistula:
In this type of fistula, the anus and the ulcer are inextricably linked, but no pores are seen on the skin. The patient sometimes has pain and swelling in this disease. But the patient has no knowledge of this disease. The disease is diagnosed by rectal examination.
Curability of fistula
All five types of fistulas are considered dangerous. After a lot of hard work, the patient can be healed only by the grace of God and if life is strong.
A fistula that occurs by Tridosha (bioenergies or life forces) and Sannipat (delirium) is considered incurable.
If there is no hope for the life of a patient who has been coming out from fistula to air, feces, urine, semen, and worms or insects.
Treatment of fistula
Fistula blisters can be treated surgically in the best way and with the best effort. And thus eradicate the disease.
Leaves of banyan, Liquorice, dry ginger, the root of hogweed, and heart-leaved moonseed. Take these all items and make a paste by warming it and keep this paste warm as much as you can bear it, apply this paste as long as there are fistula spots (inside). This eliminates fistula spots.
Prepare a very cold paste of sesame seeds, neem peel, and Mahua (or Liquorice) in milk and apply this paste to get rid of biliary (Pittaj) and painful fistula.
Jasmine – Juhi leaves, Leaves of banyan, heart-leaved moonseed, dry ginger, and rock salt. Prepare a paste with all herbs in thick buttermilk. Applying this paste removes the fistula.
Nishadhtail (Oil)
5 Nishadhtail
Collect turmeric, milk of giant milkweed, rock salt, oleander leaves, pure guggul, and Holarrhena pubescens seeds, and prepare its Kalka. Take oil in a pan and add this Kalka and cook the oil (prove the oil). This prepared oil is called Nishadhatail. Massage with this Nishadhatail (oil) removes the fistula.
Navkarshika guggul
1 Triphala 3 Tola (34.98 gram)
2 Clean Guggul 5 Tola (58.3 gram)
3 Pepper 1 Tola (11.66 gram)
Combine the above three herbs after crushing and make tablets. This medicinal pill is called Navkarshika guggul. Regular consumption of this pill eliminates fistula. At the same time, swelling and rectal hemorrhoids also disappear.
Collect all herbs that are Nilgiri barberry, turmeric, Indian madder, neem leaves, Indian Jalap, and Celastrus, and make a Kalka of it. If you wash the fistula with this Kalka, the fistula disappears.
Rubbing black cumin, and the dog’s bone in a donkey’s blood, on a stone, and applying it unguent on the fistula, the fistula disappears.
Crush cat’s bones in the juice of Triphala (Myrobalan, beach almond, Indian gooseberry). prepare ointment and apply it on the fistula so removes the fistula.
Make ashes from the bones of cat and dog. Knead these ashes with cow ghee in an iron pot then apply it so the fistula destroys. And also destroys other evil sores.
Rupraj Ras
Take 2 parts of pure mercury and 4 parts of pure white arsenic, knead it in Rosary pea juice for five days and wrap it amid in a small two copper bowl.
Fill fine sand in a vessel and Place the capsule in it. Give fire to the vessel for 24 hours.
When it cools down itself, take the packet (capsule) out of it. And fill the herbs contained in it in a crucible pot.
Now keep this crucible pot on the fire and give continuous fire till the herb kept inside does not rotate. (When metals melt, they move in a circular motion in a crucible pot)
Then let it come down from the fire and cool down. After it cools down, grind it well in a mortar. This prepared herb is called Ruparaj Ras.
Take 3 Ratti (0.54 gram) of this Rupraj ras herb with honey and consume the decoction of Triphala after consuming the herb and maintaining the diet, the pain of terrible fistula will disappear in a few days.
Ravisundar Ras (Ravitandav Ras)
Mix well 1 part of mercury and 2 parts of pure sulfur (make kajjali).
Knead the para-sulfur soot in a mortar in aloe vera juice and make its pills.
Place the pills in a copper samput (small copper box or casket). Fill a pot with ashes and put this casket in amid then give it to fire for 1 day. (Samput – The connection of two copper hollow bowls)
When the pot settles cool down its own, take the samput out of it.
Take out the pills in the samput and give it 7 external coatings of sour lemon juice called Jambiri. And then put it in a mortar and grind it well and sieve in a bowl. This prepared herb is called Ravisundar Ras (Ravitandav Ras).
Take this medicine called Ravisunder Ras (Ravitandav Ras) in 1 Ratti and lick it in honey, the fistula will disappear.
After taking this medicine, eat muesli or garlic from over and also have a sweet meal. Fistula patients should drink Triphala decoction and catechu water frequently.
Such patients should abstain from sleeping during the day, sex, stale food, and cold food.
Prepare the powder of this herb, Embelia Ribes’s kernel, Triphala, and two parts pepper. By licking this powder in honey and oil, fistula and vein sore well. Also, worms, leprosy, gonorrhea, and tuberculosis are eradicated.
Vishyandan oil
14 Vishyandan oil
Make a Kalka by taking Ceylon leadwort, Calotropis gigantean, Indian jalap, cyclea peltata, black cluster fig, white oleander, Thuhar, Acorus calamus, chinese mullein, pure orpiment, natron salt, and celastrus, in equal parts.
Take the oil in an iron pan, add the prepared Kalka to it and cook the oil over a fire. This oil is called Vishyandan oil.
This oil cleans the fistula. Bringing Heal improves the hue.
If the abscess erupts on both sides, it is called a complete vein sore. If the outer side explodes then the outer cave and if the inner side explodes then the inner cave is called the origin. Secretion of Feces and air is common In a complete vein sore. Urine and sperm are released only when the vas (vein sore) joins the urethra and Spermatic cord. Fistulas in women mostly form vein sores across the vagina and rectum.
Myrobalan, beach almond, Indian gooseberry, dry ginger, black pepper, pepper, Take these all herbs in equal quantity and prepare its powder. Take a guggul equal amount of weight of all these herbs and grind it and mix it.
Consumption of this prepared powder with ghee removes vein sore.
If there is a fistula, first remove the blood and then treat the sore on it to get rid of the fistula.
1 10 gram Dry Indian gooseberry
2 10 gram Pongamia seed
3 20 gram Alum
4 40 gram Black myrobalan
Heat the alum on a baking pan so that it melts and forms a crust on the pan. When it cools down, remove and crush the crust and prepare powder.
In a small frying pan, fry the Black myrobalan well in a tablespoon of desi ghee. After it cools down, prepare the powder well.
Also, grind the dried Indian gooseberry and pongamia seeds well. Mix the powder of these four things and put it in a clean bowl.
1 10 gram mustard seed,
2 10 gram Carom seeds
3 10 gram whole bay leaf
4 30 gram yellow sulphar
Take the above four items (mustard seed, Carom seeds, bay leaves, and yellow sulfur) and grind them finely, and put them in a separate clean bowl.
Consume both types of powder are half a teaspoon with plain water half an hour after a meal twice in the morning and evening.
1 Marigold flower
2 Cow’s urine
3 Turmeric
Take the petals (yellow petals) of the marigold flower, add 4 to 5 drops of cow urine and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder or as required and make a good ointment in the mortar.
Apply this ointment on fistula wounds or canker sores in the morning and evening. Apply this ointment till the wound is healed. Thoroughly clean the wound before using this ointment.
Applying this ointment for 7 to 15 days, the wound of the fistula, sore gradually heals and if blood or pus comes out, it also gradually decreases, and the disease is eradicated.
Take both the above powders regularly and use the ointment regularly. This drug can be used from one month to 3 months. But the results are seen in a few days. This is good medicine to cure the fistula.
In addition to taking and administering this medicine, dieting is also very important. And with a good diet, you can start to get better results.
Diet of fistula patients
Exercise, sexual intercourse, wrestling, camel and horse riding, regrets, new foods, and heavy consumption – Fistula patients should not do such things for one year after the disease has disappeared.
Consumption of spicy, fried, stale, fermented foods, hot spicy foods, non-vegetarian, and market ready-made items is harmful to patients. As well as refrigerated items, cold drinks, alcoholic beverages, etc., it is very harmful to the patient so to leave it.