Causes of any dosha (defect) produce a tumor or an excrescence in the womb. In such a situation, the woman has to face physical hardships as well as difficulties in getting pregnant.
Here some remedies are available to get rid of this dilemma and there are no side effects.
In today’s fast-paced life we are unaware of the rules and regulations or food and drink and we invite to suffer from common to serious illnesses.
Leucorrhea is also a disease that is a sign of negligence. The disease can be cured by using a few mental powers and doing these remedies patiently.
Naturally, a woman menstruates every month and so her body naturally becomes beautiful. In many women, this menstrual cycle becomes disordered so that she suffers from pain and other ailments.
It is important to focus on the right measures as well as regularity to get rid of irregular menstruation.