Excessive intake of hot, fatty, sour, astringent, and bitter substances as well as eating immediately after a meal causes heart disease.
Heart disease is caused due to excessive exertion, injuries to the body, fear, obstruction of urination, anxiety, etc.
There are five types of heart disease caused by –
1 Related to Vat
2 Related to Pita
3 Related to Cuff
4 Related to Tridosha, and
5 Related to worm infestation.
Ireful Dosha (Bioenergies or life forces) pollutes the juices in the heart and this evil Dosha interferes in the heart. It is called heart disease.
Symptoms of heart disease
The heart disease of related to Vattaj involves chest pain, like heart piercing with a needle, as a cut with a knife, an unbearable pain like a saw or a projectile running over the heart.
(Pittaj) Bile-related heart disease feels very thirsty, desire for cold wind, feeling of burning fire nearby, feeling as if someone is sucking the body, feeling of restlessness in the heart, disgust, madness, etc.
Symptoms of illusion, fainting, foul-smelling sweat, dry mouth, etc. are the symptoms of (pittaj) biliary heart disease.
If (Cuffaj) phlegmy is heart disease, there are symptoms like heaviness in the chest, phlegm, reluctance, inertia, indigestion, sweetness in the mouth, etc.
If there is a heart disease-related to tridosha, the body turns very white. Consumption of sesame, milk, and jaggery causes its juice to rot in one part of the heart. Rotten juice produces worms in the damaged chest.
Symptoms of worm infestation include nausea, vomiting, reluctance, hallucinations, panic attacks, anorexia, fever, shooting pain, severe pain, etc.
Cardiovascular Nuisance
Heart disease causes dryness in the throat. The body becomes weak and all the organs of the body become flaccid.
Treatments for heart disease
Powder (Churna)
Consumption powder of Camel foot tree bark with cow’s milk, jaggery water, or ghee kills heart disease, fever, and leprosy.
Harit kwadi churna (Powder)
Grind and make powder to the Myrobalan, Acorus calamus, frilly lepidagathis, pepper, dry ginger, Zedoary, and Roots of Inula racemosa, and fill it into a good vessel. This powder is called Harit kwadi (churna) powder. Consuming the right amount of it is to cure heart disease.
Base (Ash)
Burn the deer antlers in a putpak method and crush well in the mortar. Then sieve the ashes with a cloth. Consumption of this ash with cow ghee destroys heart disease and all types of shooting pain.
Decoction (Kwath)
Take Abutilon indicum, cordifolia seed, and Camel foot tree and make a decoction (Kwath) of these things.
Make a Kalka of Liquorice and add it into the cow ghee and cook the ghee. (Siddha ghee by the Kalka)
Consumption of prepared decoction and ghee destroys heart disease, rheumatism, ulcer in the chest, and leprosy.
Powder (Churna)
Finely grind the costus and Embelia ribes in a mortar. Worm-borne heart disease is cured if this powder is taken with cow urine.
Powder (Churna)
Regular consumption powder of Camel foot tree or powder of Terminalia arjuna or powder of Abutilon indicum with cow’s milk and powder of the root of Inula racemosa with honey destroys heart disease, shortness of breath, cough, vomiting, and hiccups.
Take the Inula racemosa, root of citron, dry ginger, zedoary, and Myrobalan, and make Kalka. Drink with Adding alkali, sour things, salt, and ghee to this Kalka destroys airborne (Vattaj) heart disease.
Powder (Churna)
Take the Roasted asafoetida, Acorus calamus, Embelia Ribes, Ginger, Pepper, Myrobalan, Plumbago zeylanica, pearl ash, Black Salt, and Inula racemosa, and make powder, and sieve it. Regular consumption of 10 to 12 grams of this powder with lukewarm water cures heart disease.
Pushkarmoola (Inula racemosa)
Consumption of a very fine powder of Pushkarmoola (roots of Inula racemosa) 10 to 12 grams with honey cures heart disease, shortness of breath, cough, tuberculosis, and hiccups.
Powder (Churna)
Make a powder of roasted asafoetida, dry ginger, Plumbago zeylanica, pearl ash, Myrobalan, Acorus calamus, pepper, bidalavan (Salt made by the special process), black salt, Inula racemosa, and costus. Consumption of this powder with barley water destroys heart disease, shooting pain, indigestion, and cholera.
The diet and temperance of heart patients
Light meals, light snacks, easily digestible foods, less food than appetite, mild warming, clean air, going to green spaces which mind liked, etc. are beneficial for heart patients.
Abstain from sour foods, cigarettes, tobacco, greasy and heavy substances, heavy diets, high-fat diets, unhealthy diets, etc. which are not beneficial to heart patients so abdicate it.
Bottle gourd in Heart disease
Heart disease has become a common and widespread disease. Heart attack, cholesterol, blockage, blood pressure, all these diseases happen at any time, at any age, and anyone. The main reasons for this are bad eating habits, addiction, lack of diligence, and irregular lifestyle. Nowadays, food and drink items are usually fake is sold in the name of the original. And the other thing is that such things are not pure even if they are real, because they are prepared or mixed using pesticides. Which is not to be taken as food. In spite of all these mountain-like issues, one should try to live a healthy life and also motivate the family to avoid it.
We will try to prevent heart disease as well as many other diseases. In addition to this, health can be achieved even after the onset of the disease, the treatment of which is as follows.
1 1 Mug, juice of bottle gourd
2 1 teaspoon, coriander juice
3 1 teaspoon , ginger juice
4 1 teaspoon, mint juice
5 1 teaspoon, basil leaf juice
First, wash the bottle gourd in clean water and cut it into small pieces (As much as a glass of juice comes out). Fill crushed pieces in a clean plain cloth, squeeze the juice. The juice can also be extracted by in a mixer.
Similarly, take one teaspoon each of coriander, ginger, mint and basil juice. Make sure that the tools used to extract the juice are clean.
Mix these five types of juices well and fill them in a glass. Now this juice is ready to drink.
Way to use
Wake up in the morning and drink this juice on an empty stomach. Do not eat or drink anything for at least 1 hour after drinking the juice. Take care of this.
Even if you have a severe heart attack, consuming this juice for four months will definitely cure heart disease. And the chances of a second time are almost nil. Even after the advice of the doctor to perform the operation, the consumption of this juice survives from the operation.
If there is a blockage in any vein related to the heart, the intake of this juice opens the blockage. And returns to normal.
No matter how high the blood pressure goes, taking bottle gourd juice normalizes BP.
Three to four months intake of this juice relieves back pain, knee pain, neck and shoulder pain etc.
Half a headache is called a migraine. Three to four months intake of this juice also relieves migraine.
Constipation is relieved by consuming bottle gourd juice.
Blood disorder
Most acidity occurs in the stomach. so causing irritation. But if this acidity mixed in the blood, it is called blood disorder. causing Blood disorder occur skin diseases. And such diseases are so terrible that they do not eradication or calming down. Stubborn diseases like psoriasis are caused by blood disorder. And the juice of bottle gourd calms such a disease, and cures.
This juice is good for weight loss and obesity when the stomach is very overweight and also fatly body.
If you don’t get enough sleep at night, use this juice, you will get a lot of sleep.
If not hungry, should also consume this juice, it will open a good appetite.
Drink this bottle gourd juice if the brightness of the eyes has decreased during the day, the brightness of the eyes will increase.
This bottle gourd juice is usually taken for four months. But it can also take up to eight months or more. This juice has no side effects.
Use the bottle gourd available in the market by making sure that the pesticide is not sprayed on it, otherwise there Is quite probable of harmful.