Hydrocele (Testicular growth) occurs in seven ways. that is –
1 Vata,
2 Pitta,
3 Kaffa,
4 blood,
5 fat,
6 urine, and
7 intestines.
Although urinary and intestinal Testicular augmentation is caused by Vata, it is considered to be a difference in purpose.
When the Vata is infuriated, the testicular veins block, the veins in the testicles and the skin grows and swells and feels pain.
Hydrocele of Vata
The increase Vata in the disease of Hydrocele is like the touch of air-filled bellows, and the slightest touch to the testicles causes pain.
Hydrocele of Pitta (bile)
The Hydrocele in Pitta (bile) is similar to the ripe fruit of gular fig, which is inflamed by bile and feels hotter when touched.
Hydrocele of Kapha (Cuff)
By Cough growths’ Hydrocele is cold, lumping, greasy, itchy, hard, and some painful.
Hydrocele of Rakta (Blood)
From grow hydrocele with Rakta is similar color in black, bounding by rash, and symptoms seen like Pitta’s hydrocele (bile).
Hydrocele of Fat (Meda)
The hydrocele of fat symptoms is as sees as in (Kapha) phlegm but it is soft, tender, like the fruit of wine palm, and round.
Hydrocele of Urine
A urinary hydrocele is caused by urinary retention. The testicles become swollen and enlarged, and the pills hang down, causing pain while walking. It hurts when you urinate.
Intestinal enlargement (Hernia)
Consumption of foods such as flatulence (Infuriate of Vata), bathing in cold water, lifting weights on the head, excessive walking, abnormal activity of the limbs, irritability, etc. cause the Vata to become irritated and contaminate the intestines.
This Vata lowers the small intestine from its place. Which causes a lump in the testicular joint. This is called an Intestinal enlargement (hernia).
Pressing this kind of hydrocele with the hand makes a noise and stays gone inside. Removing the pressure brings it out again.
Problems such as windiness in the stomach, enlarged testicular pain, and limb stiffness can occur if intestinal enlargement is not treated in time.
If the intestinal contact is with the testicles due to the accumulation of Vata and the symptoms of this hydrocele are similar to the hydrocele in Vata, it becomes incurable.
Diagnosis and symptoms of bubo
(venereal bubo in the groin)
Consumption of extremely cold and very heavy foods, eating dried, rotten and smelly meat, irritated taint (Dosha) produce lumps in the joints of the thigh.
This knot is called bubo (venereal bubo in the groin). This causes a lot of fever, colic, and sadness.
Therapies of Hydrocele
Remedy of hydrocele of vata
Don't do this
Patients with Hydrocele should don’t this that, eat too much, heavy food, excessive walking, fasting, stopping the flow of feces and urine, riding a horse, working hard, having sex, etc.
Catharsis with sebaceous substance stops the hydrocele of Vata.
Castor oil
Mingle castor oil in milk and drinking it for a month cures hydrocele.
Commix guggul and castor oil in cow urine and drinking it, so Long time old hydrocele also eliminate.
Remedy of hydrocele of Pitta (bile)
Red sander
Levigate with milk and applying Red sander chips, Liquorice, Lotus, vetiver, and Nymphaea nouchali, it cures hydrocele of Pitta (bile), swelling, and inflammation.
Remedy of hydrocele of Kapha (Phlegm)
Kawath (Decoction)
Making a decoction of Triphala and Trikatu, adding pearl ash and rock salt in it, and drinking it, it is catharses, so the hydrocele of Kapha (Phlegm) disappears.
Using spicy, sharp, and hot unguents. The use of warm Bandage so sweating on the diseased part so eliminates the Hydrocele of Kapha (Cuff).
Remedy of hydrocele of Rakta (blood)
For the cure to hydrocele of Rakta (blood) use leech frequently to away contaminated blood. Take catharsis with the mixture of sugar and honey.
Remedy of hydrocele of Fat(Meda)
Bake on the fat’s hydrocele and then apply the unguent of the surasadigana herbs.
Remedy of Intestinal enlargement (hernia)
If the intestinal enlargement (hernia) has not secreted, pierce the lower part of the side of the ‘sevani’ with a surgical instrument called “Vrihimukh” (by intelligent medico) and then treat it like hydrocele of Vata. (“Sevani” – The part between the root of the testis, and the anus)
It is beneficial to heating on the intestinal growth.
Make Kalka of cordifolia-seed and Siddha castor oil with it. Drinking the right amount of this castor oil kills the Intestinal enlargement (hernia). Windiness in the stomach, and with colic, both the Intestinal enlargement (hernia) cures.
Rasnadi Kawath (decoction)
Pluchea Lanceolata
Heart-leaved moonseed
Cassia fistula
Tribulus Terrestris
Trichosanthes dioica
Justicia adhatoda
Make a decoction (Kawath) of Pluchea Lanceolata, Liquorice, heart-leaved moonseed, castor, cordifolia-seed, cassia fistula, Tribulus Terrestris, Trichosanthes dioica, and Justicia adhatoda taken in equal value.
This decoction is called Rasnadi Kawath (decoction). Adding castor oil in this decoction and drinking it eliminates intestinal growth.
Other Remedies
Castor oil
Drinking a (Kawath) decoction of castor oil, milk and the root of Bitter Apple eliminates the hydrocele.
Kalka (for unguent)
Applying Kalka made from Acorus calamus and mustard seeds on the testicles, it reduces swelling.
Applying the paste of Drumstick’s bark and mustard seeds on the swelling of the testicles reduces the swelling. In addition to the swelling of the hydrocele, the cough and flatulence also disappear.
The pill to prevent intestinal growth
Blue vitriol
Dry ginger
Long pepper
Pepper climber
Embelia Ribes
Elephant creeper
Cyclea peltata
Hedychium spicatum
Acorus Calamus
Shuddha Mercury, Shuddha Sulfur, Iron Ashes, Zink Ashes, Copper Ashes, Bronze Ashes, Shuddha Hartal, blue vitriol, Conch Ashes, Cowrie shell Ashes, Dry ginger, Pepper, Long pepper, Triphala, pepper climber, Embelia Ribes, Elephant creeper, Zedoary, Pipramol, Cyclea peltata, Hedychium spicatum, Acorus Calamus, Cardamom seeds, Cedar and Panchalvan. Take this all in equal value and prepare its powder.
Crush the Terminalia Chebula and make a decoction (Kawath) of it.
Prepared powder and Kawath (decoction) both mix well. and then make tablets each of 0.25 tola (2.5 gm to 3 gm). This drug is called Vruddhibadhikavaati.
Swallowing this pill with water and taking it regularly also destroys incurable intestinal enlargement.
The remedy of bubo (venereal bubo in the groin)
Bash to Terminalia Chebula and make its Kalk. Roast the Kalk in castor oil and then add into pepper long and rock salt. consuming this herb cures bubo.
Crush cumin, hedychium spicatum, costus, BayLeaves, and jujube fruits in a kanji (Gruel). Applying this salve on Bubo so cures.
Masculine diseases
Here we will briefly look at some of the masculine diseases that are involved in sexually transmitted diseases, some bit about knowing, understanding, and solutions.
Most of the time people do not disclose sexual problems which makes the problem bigger. Doing tolerating sexually transmitted diseases in the mind that mental stress level in high so the disease is exacerbated.
As well as the patient becomes weaker. So first understand that what is a disease? And why ?
Masculinity drawback
Under masculinity defects, we will look at defects caused by lack of semen or Scanty of semen. Such defects are known as impotence and there are five types of such defects.
1 Irshaka
2 Asekya
3 Kumbhika
4 Sugandhi
5 Shandha
There are five types of impotence as above. It is said that the fault of impotence lies in the fetus from the time of conception due to the fault of the parents, which appears at the right time after birth.
Let’s try to find out about the five types of impotence and find a solution.
This type of patient may enter into sexual intercourse when he sees another man or animal engaged in sexual activity. Such a patient cannot have sex when he is aroused because his penis remains unconscious.
Excite comes into his penis when he sees another’s carnal intercourse, and only then can he be able to have sex. And hence its other name “Dagyoni”.
In a way, this condition can be said to be genetic, because such a condition arises due to the lack of ovum-sperm of the parents. Such a person cannot have sex until he has taken another man’s penis in his mouth and hasn’t do sexed and he who ejaculates semen does not drink semen.
It is getting potency for sex after only drinking ejaculated semen. For such a reason it is also called “Mukhayoni”.
A man who is satisfied to do having sex in his anus by others is called Kumbhika impotent. Such a man cannot have sex as he wishes but becomes conscious of his penis after he has only anal sex. and therefore he can be able to have sex only after anal sex.
According to another opinion, when he has sex with a woman, his penis does not become erection, so he first has sex in the woman’s anus. The penis is erect in the anus, the penis becomes excite, and then it can have sex.
Sage Kashyap says that if a man with Mucus sperm plays with a menstruating woman, then the woman’s lustiness does not calm down and at that time if the woman becomes pregnant, the child in the womb is born “Kumbhika”.
The male who is born from Putiyoni is called Sugandhi impotent. It is also known as “Saugandhika”. Such a man sniffs another man’s penis or a woman’s vagina only after his penis is erect and he can have intercourse. This is also called “Nasayoni”. (See the discussion of “Putiyoni” in the article on vaginas)
According to Ayurveda – In order to enjoy momentary happiness, a foolish man and woman having sexual intercourse during menstruation. The child born from such a fetus becomes a “Shandha” when during intercourse, man remains below and the woman stays upper and that time woman becomes pregnant. There are two types of such impotence.
1 male Shandha
2 female shandha
Male Shandha
If a child is born as a male, its characteristics are similar to female. His mannerisms, speech, etc. are similar to those of a woman, and he does not have a beard or mustache. By the will of the Shandha, another man lies down on top of such a Shandha and ejaculates semen in the penis of such a Shandha impotent.
female shandha (Feminine)
If a child incarnates as a female, it has the same characteristics as a male. All his gestures are like a man. it a breastless, bearded, and mustached and rubs the vagina by another woman lying down.
Out of the five types of impotence mentioned above, the first four are 1 Irshaka, 2 Asekya, 3 Kumbhika, 4 Sugandhi it has semen. Perverted gestures give them the power to have sex. This perverse activity is natural and innate in them.
But Shandha eunuchs do not have semen, they cannot have sex.
Homosexuals, lesbians, as well as those with perverted minds and ideas, doing the perverted sexual activity are seen in the current time fall into the categories described above.