Pregnant women need to think positively about their future offspring and follow a few rules. So to be aware from the early days of pregnancy.
Adherence to these rules from the day of conception to the day of delivery brings immense benefits to the pregnant woman. And obtain its full benefits.
The pregnant woman should always live in happiness and try to do so. For this do to good reading, good thoughts, and good behavior. To be happy by wearing ornament every day, to wear bright, holy, and clean clothes.
To be always active in peaceful activities, in the auspicious works, in charity-meditation, in the worship of God, in the service of Gurus, elders, and honorable worshipers.
Don’t touch dirty people with dirty and disordered bodies, ignoring people whose limbs are curved, short, and unnatural.
Don’t talk or listen to bad and meaningless, useless things, so as not to cause mental distress. Do not consume stale, dry, reheated, or highly boiled food.
Meals should be sweet, juicy and liquid, digestible, and gastrointestinal. (Digestive power remains strong)
Don’t go out, don’t go to dilapidated trees, deserted buildings, cemeteries, filthy places, and dirty places, etc.
Don’t go to places where there are a lot of people and where there is a lot of noise. Do not speak loudly.
Abstain from sexual activity and intercourse is the one who destroys the fetus and has an adverse effect on the offspring, and practicing celibacy with a pure mind.
Do not have frequent oil massages or body rubs. As well as not doing works that feel tired. Do not do works in methods that weaken the body and make you feel tired.
Pregnant women should refrain from sleeping during the day. As well as to avoid any circumstances that cause choked with emotion or tears in the eyes.
Sleeping beds, mattresses, pillows should not be too up and too down, and should not be narrowed, used quilts, blankets, sheets, etc. should be kept soft and clean.
A pregnant woman should not go near the river or any source of water.
Don’t go to your husband’s bed. (Do not have sex)
A pregnant woman should abstain from eating meat, going for walks in the garden, going to rivers, dams, etc. water sources, and completely abstaining from sexual intercourse with men.
Remedies to Pregnant for normal delivery
Pregnant women should eat sweet, light cold, and high-fluid foods in the first, second, and third months.
From the third month, paddy rice, yogurt with rice in the fourth month, rice with milk in the fifth month, rice with ghee in the sixth month should be given as food. Or
In the third month, give sweet, light cold, and liquid food. In the fourth month, consume foods rich in milk and butter and pleasing to the heart.
In the fifth month, consume a sweet meal with milk and ghee. In the sixth month, consume ghee cooked by Kalka of Land caltrops as a herb.
In the seventh month, Pueraria tuberosa and give well-cooked food containing spices and aromatic substances. Consumption of these substances get satisfies and nourishes the pregnant as well as the fetus.
In the eighth month, to give relief from old stools, purify the stomach, and give a (Enema) basti (douche) of kwath (decoction) for the proper way to vata. make this decoction (kwath) as follows.
How to make a decoction (kwath)
Take a cotton plant (panchang) or Indian jujube plant and put it’s pieces in a pan. Add water to it, then mix it with cordifolia-seed, Abutilon Indicum, dill seed, meat, milk, curd water, oil, salt, emetic nut, honey, and ghee. Take these all items, mix them all, keep them on low heat and make a decoction (kwath).
How to make a decoction (kwath) (2)
First, take the milk and jivaniya substances and add water to it to make Kalka. Take the oil in a pan, add the prepared Kalka and cook the oil properly. (Do it Siddha)
By this oil give Basti (douche), which is called anuvasana Basti. Doing these actions causes the Vata to come the proper way. And so the pregnant woman gives birth happily without any troubles.
To satisfy the pregnant woman with wild animal meat juices, yusha, Mastic, and other juicy substances till after delivery. Doing so gives strength to the pregnant woman and gives smooth birth without any difficulty as the limbs become smooth.
Monthly remedies for pregnant to protect the fetus
First month
Take liquorice, teak seeds, Indian ginseng, and cedar. Take this all or available as many herbs as you can. Take one tola of their herb and make Kalka and mix it in milk to a drink.
Second month
Bauhinia vahlii, black sesame, Rubia Cordifolia, and asparagus are taken as all or as many herbs as you can get. Take one tola of their herbs and make in weight one tola Kalka. Mix it Kalka in one tola milk to drink.
Third month
Red glueberry, foxtail millet, Aglaia, lotus, sarsaparilla, and hemidesmus indicus, All of this or as many herbs as you can find, make the Kalka of these herbs and mix 1 tola of Kalk in milk to drink.
Fourth month
Fagonia indica, indian sarsaparilla (white and black), Pluchea carolinensis, Clerodendrum Serratum (or Commelina hasskarlii), and Liquorice. Take all these or as available herbs and make Kalka. drink to 1 tola Kalka in milk after mix well.
Fifth month
Take Solanum indicum, dwarf wild brinjal, Gmelina arborea, Bamboo Silica (Five unopened buds of a milky tree), the bark of five milky trees, and ghee. Make 1 tola pulp of them all these herbs or as available. Mix well pulp in weight 1 tola into milk and drink it.
Sixth month
Alysicarpus monilifer, calamus, Drumstick, Land caltrops, and Liquorice, all of these herbs or whatever are found, take and made its sauce and mixed in milk then drink it.
Seventh month
Water chestnut, lotus tuber, grape, scirpus grossus, liquorice and white rock sugar, take all these herbs or that are available. Make kalka by these herbs and drinks this kalka into with milk.
Eighth month
Limonia acidissima, Solanum indicum, Aegle marmelos, Trichosanthes dioica (Bitter), Sugarcane and dwarf wild brinjal, take the roots of these all of herbs. Make a Kalka of this root with cold water.
Add this Kalka to 32 tolas of milk obtained in 4 tolas of water and boil it.
When part of the water is burnt, and there is only milk, then give to the pregnant to drink after it cools down.
Ninth month
Liquorice, (white and black) Indian sarsaparilla, Indian ginseng, and Fagonia indica. levigate all of these herbs with cold water and prepare Kalka weight in 1 tola. consume this Kalka with 4 tola milk.
Tenth month
Levigate dry ginger, Liquorice, and cedar with cold water and make 1 tola of Kalka. drink this Kalka with milk after mixing well. or
Make Kalka with dry ginger and Indian ginseng. Take 32 tolas of milk and obtained 124 tolas of water in it and add this Kalka and keep it on fire. Boil the milk till the water burns and then cool it and give it to the pregnant woman thus protecting the fetus.
Eleventh month
Add this Kalka, to the 32 tola milk obtained in 124 tolas of water prepared with the fruit of manilkara hexandra , lotus, mimosa pudica, and terminalia chebula. When water is burnt and milk is left, cool it and give it to the pregnant woman to drink.
Twelfth month
make kalka by rock sugar, pumpkin, Indian ginseng, aden apple’s fruit, and lotus stalk. drink this kalka to the pregnant woman with milk, so the fetus is nourished and the pains are calmed.
Treatment of labor pains during childbirth
When it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to give birth, give her smoke of a snake corset and an emetic nut.
To tie the root of glory lily in the arms and legs of the mother with a thread.
By tying the root of the Cleome viscosa and the root of the Stereospermum suaveolens with the hands and feet, a woman gives birth happily.
Make a Kalka of the roots of Basella alba and mixing sesame oil in it and applying this mixture in the vagina gives immediate delivery.
Take both pepper and calamus in equal proportions and crush with water. levigate this powder with castor oil and applying this mixture on the navel gives a happy delivery.
Crushing Both the root of Citron and Liquorice are drunk it with ghee so she gives birth happily.
Taking the north-facing root of the sugar cane and tying it at the waist with a long thread of equal length to the body of the pregnant woman gives birth immediately.
Fill clean water is in the clean copper vessel, and spell it water 7 times with the given mantra. give this water for a drink to pregnant so happens immediately delivery (Mantra: मुक्ता: पाशा विपाशाश्व मुक्ता: सूर्यस्य रश्मय: मुक्त:सर्व भायाद्गर्भ एहि माचिर माचिर स्वाहा)
If the vine of Common squrge is taken out and its round coil (like a ring) is soaked in water and placed on the navel of a suffering mother, then delivery takes place immediately. But as soon as the delivery takes place, carefully remove it from the navel and separate it.
Care before delivery
Cow's ghee-milk
Take ghee of the desi cow and turmeric. mix both in the cow’s milk and drink it at night while sleeping. (1, a glass of milk, 2, a teaspoon of ghee, and 3, a teaspoon of turmeric.)
Calcium is needed by pregnant mothers and unborn babies to stay healthy. When there is enough calcium, there is flexibility in the bones and therefore the body also remains flexible. Which does not cause any discomfort to the baby or mother during childbirth.
This calcium element is abundant in lime. So give lime to the pregnant mother in the diet. Give well-mixed lime in diet equal to wheat grains in water, yogurt, lentils, vegetables, buttermilk, or milk.
This solves most of the problems that occur in childbirth. A pregnant mother who consumes small amounts of lime in this manner for nine consecutive months never needs an operation.
Women who have had stones before or are expected to have such circumstances should not do this experiment.