Fat increases in a body without exertion. Sleeping during the day and consuming coughing substances increase fat.
Excessive intake of sweet foods and excessive intake of sweet juices and ghee etc. greasy substances lead to obesity.
As fat builds up, the other pores of the veins become clogged, so the other metals of the body do not get receive nutrients, or get less. As a result, the body becomes forceless.
Symptoms of obesity
Obesity patients suffer from a respiratory disease called vile (kshudra). Symptoms of such patients include thirst, infatuation, excessive sleep, languor, loss of appetite, sweating, etc. Due to a lack of energy in him, he cannot engage in sexual activities.
The location and function of the fat
In any creature, fat stays in the stomach. So the stomach of obese men grows and goes out. As the fat builds up, the airway is blocked, so the air cannot get out of the stomach and it ignites the gastrointestinal tract (Increase power of digest power). As a result, the food eaten dries up so the food eaten by the obese person is digested immediately and there is a desire to eat again.
After some time, people with obesity develop severe disorders. These disorders produce gas and fire.
Excessive fat and flesh increase the abdomen, buttocks, and breasts and move while walking. A man who is overweight is called a fat man. Such a person is at risk of getting such diseases as leprosy, herpes, fistula, fever, diarrhea, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, elephantiasis, indigestion, and jaundice.
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Treatment of belly fat (obesity)
Obese patients should consume foods like old rice, green gram, Horse Gram, Uncooked food that no water or ghee is used, kodo millet, etc. Anxiety, irritability, anger, fasting, and wrestling all contribute to does reduction of obesity.
Eating barley and honey, awakening, and consuming salty juices reduce fat.
Adding asafoetida into the ashes of castor leaves and consuming it, and then consuming rice erosion so destroys the disease.
Drinking kawath (decoction) of heart-leaved moonseed and triphala cures belly fat (obesity).
Adding honey and iron ash (lohabhasma) in triphala and heart-leaved moonseed decoction and consuming it cures obesity.
Mix honey in stale water and drink it regularly in the morning so cure belly fat (obesity).
Eating hot chickpeas and then drinking hot rice erosion so cures obesity.
Dry ginger, pepper, plumbago zeylanica, triphala, sweet cyperus, and embelia ribes take all these herbs in equal parts and make a kawath (decoction) of it and put pure guggul in it and consume it. Consuming this herb to cure belly fat (obesity).
Regular consumption of pepper powder with honey eliminates belly fat (obesity) and phlegm.
Massaging the body with the juice of jimson weed leaves cures the disease of belly fat (obesity).
Mix pure mercury, pure copper ash, pure iron ash (lohabhasma), and myrrha in equal proportions and levigate it in the milk of giant milkweed into a mortar. Make tablets of (0.182 gram) 2 ratti’s in weight after levigating well. This pill is called Vadawanal Ras.
One tablet of this Vadawanal ras taken regularly with honey and water cures belly fat (obesity).
Another remedy
Take equal parts of pepper climber, cumin, dry ginger, black pepper, pepper, asafoetida, black salt, and myrobalan and bake it all herbs then soak its powder in yoghurt water and drink it. this herb destroys belly fat (obesity) and increases the power of digestion.
Grind and make a powder of embelia ribes, dry ginger, pearl ash, plumbago zeylanica of a red flower, iron powder, barley, and emblic evenly. Consumption of this powder with honey cures fat body (Obesity).
Make kalka (decoction) of the leaves of Indian jujube, purify it in gruel (Cunjee = A decoction of digestible cereal flour boiled in water for the sick), and drink it to cure the fat body (Obesity).
If you drink spinous firebrand teak juice or its decoction including Shilajit, you will get rid of the fat body (Obesity).
Prepare powder of all these herbs by taking 1 part of heart-leaved moonseed, 2 parts of small cardamom, 3 parts of holarrhena pubescens, 4 parts of embelia ribes, 5 parts of myrobalan, 6 parts of beach almond, 7 parts of emblic, and 8 parts of purified guggul.
This powder is called Amrutadh guggul. If you lick this Amrutadh guggul after levigate well with honey, the rash, fat, and fistula are destroyed.
Triphaladh tail (oil)
Take equal parts all of these herbs triphala, Indian atees, pod of Indian screw tree, Indian Jalap, plumbago zeylanica root, justicia adhatoda, neem, golden shower tree, acorus calamus, hedge euphorbia, turmeric, berberis aristata, heart-leaved moonseed, holarrhena pubescens, pepper, costus, mustard, and dry ginger and make Kalka (decoction).
Cook the oil in the sarasadi ganna rasa i.e. to know that the oil has been siddha (cooked) when the all juice is burnt.
This oil is used for drinking, massaging, rinsing, sniffing (nasal steaming), and for doing basti karma (injecting into the anus). This oil is called Triphaladh oil.
This triphaladh oil kills diseases like fat body (Obesity), laziness, eczema, and phlegm.
(Sarsadi Gana: Holy basil of both species, black pepper, Black Anjabalo, Embelia ribes, sweet basil, Musakarni, aromatic fruit of myristica, Senna sophera, Centipeda minima, leaf of calabash, Blue Glory, oleander, garden night shade, Chinese mullein, Cape lilac, palmarosa and Spikenard, These herbs are called Surasadi Gana (Surasadi gana herbs destroys rheum, fat, worms, coryza, anorexia, shortness of breath and cough and purifies ulcers)
Treatment to remove sweat odor from the body
Applying salve to the body of conch powder in the juice of Ardusa leaves removes body odor.
Applying salve to the body of conch powder in the juice of Aegle marmelos leaves removes body odor.
The body odor is removed by massaging the body of juice of the Aegle marmelos leaves or levigating its leaves into the water and then applying it to the body.
If Ceylon ironwood, Indian walnut, symplocos racemosa, and porcupine flower are taken in equal proportions and rubbed on the body, skin blemishes and sweating are removed.
Applying neem leaf juice removes body and armpit odors.
Roasting turmeric and massaging the body removes body and armpit odors.
The body odor is removed by massaging the mixture of the betel leaf, the bark of the Myrobalan, and the costus levigate with water.
Myrobalan, symplocos racemosa, neem leaf, the bark of mango tree, and peel of pomegranate, make powder from all these herbs. By massaging this powder on a woman’s body, men are attracted to her organs. Increases body radiance.
Myrobalan, symplocos racemosa, neem leaf, the bark of mango tree, and peel of pomegranate, make powder from all these herbs. By massaging this powder on a woman’s body, men are attracted to her organs. Increases body radiance.
(This experiment cures leprosy by applying after mashing in cow urine. applying after mashing in cow’s milk brightens the complexion. Applying after mashing in water removes body odor. And applying after mashing in turmeric and berberis aristata enchants others.)
Leprosy is cured by massaging Chinese mullein after mashing in cow urine.
Take equal parts of flour of horse gram, costus, spikenard, sandalwood, and roasted chickpea. grind it and make powder. mix it with hot water and oil and rubbing on the body regularly so remove odor of the body.