When the fetus is prevalent, there is leucorrhoea or there is a pain in the abdomen, consume kwath of equally herbs parts of vetiver, Indian atees, sweet cyperus, a resin of red silk, and Holarrhena pubescens.
Indian atees
Sweet cyperus
Resin of red silk
Holarrhena pubescens.
When a pregnant woman has a fever, she should be given a (kwath) decoction of Liquorice, red sander chips, vetiver, sarsaparilla, and lotus leaf. Before consuming it sugar and honey should be added to it.
Red sander chips
Lotus leaf
Drinking dry ginger with goat’s milk cures the typhoid of pregnant women.
Goat's milk
Dry ginger
Chronic diarrhea
If the pregnant woman is chewed the flour of parched rice with kwath of mango tree’s bark and jamun tree’s barks in chronic diarrhea, the diarrhea of the pregnant woman is immediately relieved.
Diarrhea, bleeding, miscarriage, etc.
Vetiver, Justicia adhatoda, Red sander chips, Abutilon indicum, Coriander, heart-leaved moonseed, Sweet Cyperus, black vetiver, camel thorn, fumitory, and Indian atees. Taking this herbs in equal proportions and prepare kwath by it and giving it to the pregnant woman destroys diarrhea, bleeding, miscarriage, pain and many other ailments.
Justicia adhatoda
Abutilon indicum
Heart-leaved moonseed
Camel thorn
Flatulence gas (windiness in the stomach)
When the stomach or pelvis are swollen, boil the milk with calamus and garlic and make Kalka, add asafoetida and black salt in it, and give it to the pregnant woman. So cures windiness in the stomach.
Black salt
Prevention of thirst, inflammation, leprosy and urine retention
Rice-paddy roots, sugarcane roots, halfa grass roots, wild sugarcane roots, and typha elephantina roots, make a Kalka of these herbs, and cook milk with this Kalka. Consumption of this milk eliminates problems like thirst, inflammation, leprosy, and urinary retention.
Peddy rice
Half grass
Typha elephantina
Wild sugarcane
Causes of miscarriage
Having sex with a man even though the woman is pregnant carries the risk of miscarriage.
Miscarriage can be caused by traveling long distances, riding horses, camels, carts, etc., working hard, putting pressure on the fetus.
During pregnancy, fetuses can be secreted by fasting, jumping, running, stroking, strenuous exercise, and gymnastics.
Indigestion, purgative medicine, vomiting, quarrels, ingestion of contraceptives substances, sharp, salty, hot, spicy, bitter, and consume dried substances destroy the fetus.
Miscarriage is caused by riding and speeding on steep and rocky roads, sleeping awkwardly, and being scared.
Symptoms of miscarriage
When a miscarriage is about to occur, colic arises and bleeding occurs.
Till the fourth month, the fetus has in the form of blood. So if the fetus is damaged during these days it is called a miscarriage.
After the fourth month, the fetus develops and in the fifth and sixth months, the fetal organs become hard, so the damage to the fetus during these days is called abortion.
Just as the raw fruit of a tree breaks down when it is through stroke, so does the raw embryo fall from an injury or pressure. Therefore, pregnant women should be careful during these days as well as maintain awareness of their diet and behavior.
Abortion nuisances
There is a lot of inflammation when the fetus falls. Severe pain in both sides of the lower side of the belly, colic, back pain, abdominal cramps (windiness in the stomach), and urinary incontinence.
When the fetus moves from one place to another, the stomach and gastrointestinal tract become irritated, etc nuisances occur when miscarriage.
Remedy for fever of pregnant woman
Kwath (decoction)
Take in an equal weight of red sander chips, black raisine, white sarsaparilla, liquorice, Mahua, coriander, and white rock sugar and make a decoction (kwath) by these herbs.
The consumption of this decoction (kwath) for seven days destroys the fever of the pregnant woman.
red sander chips
black raisine
White rock sugar
Measures to restrain miscarriage
Decoction (kwath)
Take blue lotus, red lotus, night-blooming lotus and, liquorice and make (kwath) decoction of these all herbs. Drinking this decoction (continuous and regular drinking) helps to avoid inflammation, thirst, chest pain, leprosy, fainting, vomiting, anorexia, and fetal fall down.
Ways to stop a falling fetus
Take the roots of halfa grass, wild sugarcane, castor tree, and land caltrops and make a kalka. Adding white rock sugar to the milk cooked with this kalka and consuming it eliminates the pain of pregnancy.
Halfa grass
Wild sugarcane
Castor tree
Land caltrops
Make kalka of these herbs are, land caltrops, liquorice, dwarf wild brinjal, and tephrosia purpurea. Cooking the milk by this kalka and add white rock sugar and honey to it. Giving this cooked milk to the pregnant woman destroys her pain.
Dwarf wild brinjal
Tephrosia purpurea
Powder (Churna)
Make powder of clay of the wasp (house), Rubia Cordifolia (or mimosa pudica), jasmine, dhawai flower, goldocker, and rosin. levigate this powder in the honey and give it to women for lick, so that achieved peace in abortion.
House of wasp
Rubia cordifolia
Mimosa pudica
Dhawai flower
Scirpus grossus, lotus, and water chestnut are taken in equal parts and prepare kalk and drunk with milk so that the fetus does not fall and the abortion is calmed.
Scirpus grossus
Water chestnut
Rule and treatment of the delivery month
Most pregnancies are delivered in the ninth or tenth month. Sometimes a baby is born at the age of eleven or twelve.
But if the fetus does not give birth even after this time has elapsed, there may be some disorder in the womb, So the pregnant woman to do hard work like unbearable riding, vishamasan, mashing, etc. Doing so leads to disclosure (occurs childbirth). (However, at present, it is better to seek treatment in a modern way without having to do such hard work from a scientific point of view)
A type of knot called a young tumor (The tumor of the beginning), to destroy the knot or to perform abortion measures in the circumstances of this tumor.