There are several reasons for white spots (leucoderma). According to Ayurveda, The disease can also be caused by the opposite diet and the consumption of impure diet and Toxic substances in meal. Impurities in the blood may also be one of the causes of the disease.
One of the reasons for being leucoderma- can be traditional. If a person has this disease in the generations to past, then the disease can be doing in future generations.
According to Ayurveda, the disease is caused by the unevenness of the (vatta, ptitta, cough)air, gall, and phlegm. leucoderma occurs in eighteen types.
In addition, a shvitrakushtha called leucoderma (leucoderma) also occurs. There are three types of vattaj, pittaj, and cough.
Thus, leucoderma (white spots) can occur for many types and for many reasons.
Vajra tail (oil)
Vajra tail (oil)
The oil is capable of destroying all kinds of leucoderma. The oil can be made as follows.
Thus, leucoderma (white spots) can occur for many types and for many reasons.
1 65 tola (746 gram) Cactus milk
2 65 tola (746 gram) Colotropis milk
3 65 tola (746 gram) Datura leaf juice
4 65 tola (746 gram) The leaf juice of the Plumbago zeylanica
5 65 tola (746 gram) Juice of Buffalo dung
6 65 tola (746 gram) Sesame oil
Boil all the above items in 64 tola (746 gm) sesame oil.
Once this oil has been boiled, the second time, it is boiled in the urine of 2985 grams of desi cows. Once the oil is properly cooked, Filtered it in a glass vessel.
Semecarpus Anacardium
Embelia ribes
Indian atees
Gloriosa superba
Aesthetic bottle gourd
Vacha root
Dried ginger
Black Pepper
Long pepper
Indian Barberry
Natron salt
Then, in this proven oil, 1 clean sulfur, 2 proved Semecarpus Anacardium, 3 proved Orpiment (manshil), 4 proved arsenic (hartal), 5 Embelia ribes (wavdding), 6 Indian atees(ativisha), 7 proved gloriosa superba seeds (vachchhanag), 8 aesthetic bottle gourd, 9 costus, 10 vacha root (ghodavaj), 11 Spikenard, 12 Dried ginger, 13 Black Pepper, 14 Long pepper, 15 Indian Barberry or Tree Turmeric 16 Liquorice Root, 17 natron salt, 18 Cumin, 19 cedar. – Take all these items 12 grams each and chop them finely ane Add the prepared medicinal powder to the cooked oil.
The oil prepared in this way is called the legendary Vajra oil. All kinds of leucoderma are destroyed by this oil.
Applying this oil to the part of the body where the disease is attacked, the disease can be overcome. And eventually the disease goes away.